Sunday, November 16, 2014

When in Rome

Heeey, this post is long overdue haha. So, last October 31st, we had a 26hr layover in Rome, Italy!! I was super excited to see another Europe city and since the aircraft we use for flights to Italy is just the narrow body one, it`s a plus that we`ll only have a few passengers on board ;) And so we did, super light load on the way to Rome woohoo! This one`s my personal favorite flight so far ;)

We arrived in Rome at about 1-2 in the afternoon, it was quite a long drive to the hotel. After we arrived, we went to our rooms to change and rest for a while before we go out. Luckily, we had another Filipina with us, she`s our senior and she knows the way around. We all went to the Vatican that evening. As I mentioned in my previous post, again, I`d like to think our company is so thoughtful for letting us stay in a beautiful hotel which is just beside the metro! Talk about convenience haha.

I honestly don`t know a lot about the St. Peters Basilica in Vatican but it`s really amazing when you get to see the inside. There were a lot of people that evening, since it was a weekend, I suppose. But the line went by so fast anyway, so it wasn`t that much of a hassle.

On our way to the metro to go back to our hotel, we stopped by a souvenir shop with lots of Filipino sellers hehe, didn`t get to take a photo of the shop and the souvenirs I got :) We also stopped at this Italian store which offers a wide selection of pasta, sauce, tapenade, etc. We had dinner at a pub called Flann O'Brien which is just near our hotel. I loooove love pizza and pasta. When in Italy, eat authentic pasta and pizza! <3 We also had gelato before going back to the hotel!

The next day, my flying partner and I decided to go out since we still have a few hours to spend before our flight back to Jeddah. We had our breakfast first, consuming lots of bacon since there`s no bacon where we come from haha, we even bumped into our Captain and he told us what we can do and suggested where we can go around the city. Before heading out, we went to the lower ground floor of our hotel to check out this octagonal-based pool. I saw this link about it -

So after that, we went to Spagna station first, to see the Spanish Steps. All the designer brands were there, but were closed since it was a bit early.

After Spagna, we went to Barberini station to go see the Fontana de Trevi! Unfortunately, it was closed for renovation. I heard the reconstruction will be done by next year.

Streets on the way to Fontana de Trevi

Lastly, we went to see the Colosseo! <3 it was so beautiful haha. We didn`t get to go inside since we don`t have enough time. But next time!!!

My favorite photo!!! Hahaha

It was easy to go around the city since it`s all connected by the metro and by walking hehe. The weather was good that day, it was fun to walk around! We`ve been told there are lots of pickpockets in Europe, so if you plan to go there, take a cross body bag with you instead of huge purses. After all that, we went back to the hotel with 2 hours left before our pick up time. Coming back to Jeddah, it was full load, but it was still a fun and memorable flight :) Will surely want to go back to Rome soon!

That`s it for now! Will post something again in a few days haha


  1. hi lara, I wonder what happens next?? :)

    1. Hi!! Hahaha sorry, I accidentally published it undone ;) Thank you for reading :')
