Thursday, July 16, 2015

Paris is Always a Good Idea

I use these hashtags on instagram! ;)

Hi!!! Soooo sorry for the longest hiatus ever. I`ve been super busy these past few months I couldn`t write or read any of your comments/questions. But I tried to answer those who made inquiries through email.

Anyway, so last March I moved to our newly opened base. They`ve been having Paris flights ever since and they even have long layovers. As for myself, I don`t usually bid for Paris because I don`t bid with a flying partner, and it`ll just suck if I go to Paris with just anyone. Haha or it`s just me. But for this month of July, I was scheduled for my yearly training, and the only available lines (for my priority) with the training is Paris, 53Hrs. So when I got it, thank God I got a Filipina flying partner even by chance ;)

So our flying time to the City of Love and Lights is almost 6 hours. It was a red eye/early morning flight. We started at 1somethingAM local time in the Kingdom, and arrived in Paris at 5something in the morning, Paris time. :) I couldn`t sleep the night/day before, and when we arrived in the city, the hotel is just, like, an hour or less away from the airport. So you can`t really take a long nap hehe. My flying partner and I decided we`ll go to Disneyland Paris the same day we arrived. Haha, both of us with no sleep, we ended up going home early. #TeamNoSleep LOL! But it was super fun in the "happiest place on earth" (Paris style). I `d love to go back next time but I should have a good rest before going there lol.

Day 1 - Disneyland Park, Paris

On our second day in Paris, we just had our breakfast at the hotel then went out to see the city. We went to see the Tour Eiffel first then head to get some lunch before heading to Champs-Elysees, where the Arc de Triomphe is near and shopping is inevitable!!! We went to Ladurée as well to get us some French macaron fix. I`m a huuuge Gossip Girl and Blair Waldorf fan, so yeah. Then we went to Musee du Louvre, too bad, we came late so we didn`t get a chance to visit the museum. After the Louvre, we went to the famous Pont des Arts - "Love Lock Bridge", they actually removed the locks on the bridge already and replaced it with paintings/art by four artists. There were still locks remaining at the side of the bridge though. Right now, they use the hashtag #LoveWithoutLocks :) On the way back to the hotel we just picked up some groceries then went out to see the Tour Eiffel at night and have dinner. The next day our pick up time is super early there was no chance of going out again hehe. Well I`ll just see you again next time, Paris!

Day 2 - Around Paris

That`s it for nooow, til my next layover! <3


  1. Hi Lara, im having my FI for SV this August. I just want to know if they are strict with applicants being married and having a child? And whats their max deg for scoliosis? Thank you so much. ☺️

    1. Hello! Actually, no. They're not strict about that naman :) For scolio, I'm not sure if 12 or 15? Sorry! But Goodluck and Godbless on your final interview :)

  2. Thanks for replying, hopefully it is 15 degrees. God bless! ��

  3. 弟子規





    {南無大方廣佛華嚴經} {南無華嚴海會佛菩薩}

  4. Good day Ms. Lara. Can you please post some of the interview questions from the screening up to the final interview? Please include your answers also if possible. Hihi. Thank you in advance. Aspiring FA here :)

    1. Hi there! Sorry for the late response, I posted some interview questions that are frequently asked here on the blog, you can check it, but as for the interviews from screening, I think it varies and depends on the applicant, same goes with the final interview :) Goodluck! :)
