Monday, February 10, 2014

Saudia Airlines Flight Attendant Open Day + Hiring in MANILA

The Industrial Personnel and Management Services, Inc. or IPAMS will be conducting an Open Day (OD) Recruitment for aspiring female/Filipina Flight Attendants

Employer:Saudi Arabian Airlines (SAUDIA)
Category:Airline, Travel & Tourism
Work Location:Saudi Arabia
Posting duration:Feb 7, 2014 - May 7, 2014

Date: February 14, 2014 Friday 9am-12noon
IPAMS Office

Position Involved:

Walk-in applicants will be entertained.

  • At least a high school graduate
  • Age between 22 and 30 years old
  • Height between 160cm to 180cm with proportional weight
  • General knowledge of world affairs and geography will be an additional quality
  • Fluency in written and spoken English

Applicants must personally apply at IPAMS office Mondays through Fridays for initial screening.Business attire is required (Corporate coat over blouse & knee-level skirt, hair tied up and in full make-up). You must bring with you the following documents:
  • Print-out of your IPAMS application form
  • Updated Resume with picture
  • One whole body picture (size 4R wearing business attire - corporate coat over blouse & knee-level skirt / hair tied and pulled away from face)
  • One piece passport size photograph (light blue background)

/source -

Here's the Height-Weight table provided by IPAMS for Female Cabin Crew/Flight Attendant applicants:

Just a simple tip for those who will go to the open day or even walk in and go thrrough the interview: Wear your best SMILE!!! ;)

Good luck, God bless and enjoy, ladies! <3 

Feel free to drop questions or more information about this recruitment :)

❤️, Mimi


  1. Has anyone try to apply today or last week? Please give some tips :) I want also to apply but I have a fear on initial screening because of some scars in my legs :( Thanks.


    1. Hi Rosinie! :) if those scars on your legs can be concealed with make up, I dont think they'll mind, especially since it wont be seen when wearing the Saudia uniform, cos FAs wear pants. But I cant speak on behalf of the agency who does the initial screening. No harm in trying though! :) Just try to go to the IPAMS office :) Goodluck! :)

    2. Hi. I was in IPAMS last Friday, it was my first time! They didn't check our skin though. They just measured our height and weight then If you are qualified you're up for a short interview. They told us to wait for their message most probably on March because the employer-Saudia-has not given the exact date of the final interview yet.

    3. Hello! That`s good to hear and helpful to those who wants to apply in IPAMS. Actually from what I heard, final interviews will be done probably first week of March. Best of luck to you!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi lara want to apply din sana today kaso im wondering kasi my height is 5'2 1/2 but my weight is only 45.8. baka bagsak na agad ako :( what do you think po? thanks

    1. Hi! Sorry for the late reply, have you been to IPAMS today? I`m not sure what 5'2 1/2 is, but if it reaches 160cm, you`re in, if you`re underweight naman, I`m not sure if they`re strict with underweight girls, but I know someone who didn`t get in because of being underweight. I suggest you eat a lot of carbs and drink lots of water before going to the agency for weigh in :)

  3. does anyone know someone who has been short listed? thanks

    1. Hi girls! Recruitment team and HR specialists from SV are in Manila right now for interviews :) Goodluck! Here`s some tips that can hopefully help you - :)

  4. Di po ba sila tumatanggap ng lalaki?

    1. Hi! Sorry but no, they dont. They only hire female FAs from around the world.

  5. Hi Lara! Is this really until May 7? According to the website, it was only until February 21.

    1. Hello Veronica! That's what was written first on their website. Apparently application is over, I guess. But SV continuously hire naman through this agency :)

  6. Hey there, Lara! So does this mean this post is already OVER? I can't apply anymore? Thanks.

    1. Hi Sunshine! :) Yes, the application is done but not to worry because SV will be hiring here in Manila again soon :)

  7. Where can i get the IPAMS application form? thanks :)

    1. Hi! You can check their site for more information :)

  8. hi lara! the job vacancy it's really over? i want to apply.

    1. Hi! :) For now, yes its over. But SV will hire again here in Manila for sure :)

  9. hello lara, do saudia hire directly too? i mean their company besides agencies? thank you

    1. Hi! Sorry for the late reply :) actually no, Im a local hire myself, I applied in Saudia in Jeddah, but was sent back in Manila for the processing through the agency.

  10. hi lara! i also want to be a flight atttendant. but im married and have one kid, im only you think i can apply?

    1. Hi Krystle! :) Yes, of course. I think Saudia is one of those airlines who accepts married FAs :) As long as you have the qualifications and you pass the interview :) I'll keep everyone posted once there's another opening in Saudia for Filipina Fas :) you can also try Emirates :) Good luck and God bless when you apply! :)

  11. Hi just wanna ask, do we need to wear stockings? What shade of it should we wear? The thin black or skin-toned?:) thank you.

    1. Hi! I hope you left your name :) According to the pre-training material, it's required to wear skin-toned stockings :)

  12. good day! Do you know when will be the saudian airlines hiring day in manila?
    thanks. gae

  13. can you please let me know ASAP if there's any hiring in manila this june? thankyou. 09164969589. gae

    1. Hi! You can just go to IPAMS' website to check if SV is hiring on June - :) I might post it here as well :)

  14. hi still hiring pa po ba ng cabin crew.? I have braces pa po that's my main prob .

    1. Hi! Sorry for the late reply :) But no na, they're done hiring. Try checking the ipams website from time to time to check if there's an opening. With regards to your braces, I think it wont be a problem during the initial screening but they'll ask you to remove it for the final interview :)

  15. Hi Lara,

    Would you be able to know when is the next open day this year?

  16. Hi! :) Sorry, I actually have no idea. But most probably and hopefully it will be the same time of hiring like in the past few years, which falls on Feb, March or April :)

  17. Hi Lara! You are truly blessed indeed. You were sent back in manila to process your application thru agency and you made it! You inspired me so much. I really want to apply in Saudi Airlines but my height is just 157.5 like 5'2. I think if it's meant for you, even though u'r just 5'1 or 5'2 if its yours it will always be yours. ButI haven't tried my luck yet. Have you seen some FA's in Saudia who's height is approximately standing 5'2 in height? Thank you so much

    1. Hi!! Thank you so much :) It`s really flattering and inspiring as well for me, makes me want to write more about this journey :) I honestly don`t know the exact height of the girls I see, but I stand at 170.8cm, and I really see girls that are way shorter than I am. It`s actually better if you try to go to the agency once they`re hiring again in Manila, a friend told me that some girls who did not reach the 160cm min., and went during a normal day and not the open day, they were asked to do a reach test :) So good luck and God bless on your future application! :)

  18. Hi, I just want to ask if they're strict with the age ? I'm only 21 , turning 22 on march next year. Thanks!

    1. Hello She! Yes unfortunately, they`re a bit strict with age, but you can still try :)

    2. Oh I see. Thanks for the swift response. :) btw I enjoyed reading your blogs :)

    3. You`re welcome :) Goodluck in applying and thank you! More posts to come :)

    4. Hi just want to ask if I have a chance Im turning 22 this December of year 2014 and applied for saudia earlier they told us to wait for their email for the confirmation if we passed and ready for the next stage. Will they consider my age as I'm only 21 at the moment but in two months I'll be at the qualifying age though Haha! Thanks really hoping to hear from u. ;)

    5. Hello! :) I think if you really passed the first stage they might consider your age since you'll be 22 in two months :) Goodluck! I hope you made it :)

  19. Hi lara i'm a nursing graduate just this year and i just want to ask if they need my tor and diploma for the application?thanks

    1. Hi! I don`t think they`ll need the tor, but I think they will ask for a copy of the diploma after the final interview :)

  20. Hi ms. Lara, im anne..:-Di wanna ask if ever an applicant has hemorroids do you think she has the possibility to get in saudia?

    1. Hello Anne! Sorry, I'm not sure about that. But we have physical exam during medicals, so you can ask them :)

  21. Hi Ms.Lara. :) I just want to ask po if FAs in Saudia are allowed to wear contact lenses? Hoping for your reply po. Thank you. :)

    1. Hello! :) Yes, we can wear medical and clear (only) contact lenses :) They also allow us to wear simple/classic eye glasses :)

    2. thank you so much for your reply po. :)

  22. Hi Ms. Lara! I'm Di Anne. FA aspirant. I want to apply next Saturday for Saudia, I am standing 159cms but I can reach up to 213cms (which is a requirement) in one hand. I wonder how they do the reach test, one hand or both hands? I'm from Baguio and I really want to apply. Are there any chances that they will consider me if I'm short of 1cm? Thank you so much.

  23. Hello Ms. Di Anne! :) I`m not actually sure about the reach test, but I think both hands yata? Sorry, I really have no idea :) I think if you reach naman the reach test req, they`ll consider. Good luck and God bless :)

    1. But I can only reach it with one hand haha :D kapag both kc mejo hirap ako :( anyway thank you for your time. You have a wonderful blog here! God bless you and have a safe flight always. :))

    2. Hello Di Anne! :) I don`t really know the requirement for arm reach sorry, but it`s okay if you`re 1cm less, kaso sometimes parang iba yung height measurement nila so baka maging lower pa or higher. Thank you for reading and visiting my blog :) Gives me reason to post more :) God bless you, too, and thank you! :)

  24. hi! I'm only a high school grad but ry want to be an Fa. What do you think are my chances? Thanks!

    1. Hi! Actually, I think they accept high school graduates, as long as you fit the criteria :)

  25. Hi! Does Ipams still accepts applications for Emirates Cabin Crew position? I really want to be a part of Emirates but found out that they don't have any OD's here in Mla for two years already if I'm not mistaken ��

    1. Hi! I`m not sure about Emirates ODs :) But yeah, I heard they don`t hire Filipinas as of the moment, they do hire Filipinas for CSA position though. Goodluck :)

  26. Hi! Why does most Sv crews only have domestic flights? How can you get international flights? Why can't you always have one? Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi! Because Saudi Arabia alone has 13 provinces/cities:) They earn a lot through these domestic flights since all these domestic flights are always full flights, imagine full flights like Riyadh, Dammam from/to Jeddah that go from around 4am-11pm every hour. We can`t have pure international flights, unless you are First Class flyer. But they also have few domestic flights on their rosters. I hope I answered your question :)

  27. Hi! I've been anxious about this deep little scar on the right side of my face (near the nose) that's about 1mm due to chicken pox. Would it be an issue to get in the Cabin Crew position? I hope you can reply. Thank you!

    1. Hi! Can it be concealed through make up? If yes, I guess it doesn`t really matter. Although, I don`t know how strict they are lately when it comes to scars on the face. Good luck :)

  28. Hi! I've read one of your replies regarding physical exam. Were you guys fully undressed? What particular exams did they do? And also, when you said they'll check your face closely, how close was that? Hope you can answer all the ques. Thank you so much!

    1. Hi! We had our undies on hehe. You mean the medical, right? With the physical exam, they will just check your whole body (including the breasts and anus), and will note down scars and/or tattoos, etc. For the face, I think they check that during the assessment period. I have no idea, really, sorry. But I think they will notice scars if it`s uncovered. You`re welcome :)

  29. Hi ms.lara i'm j0nna just want t0 ask if its 0k t0 apply as a flight attendant even I am a graduate 0f Bachel0r of Science in Elementary Educati0n?

    1. Hi Jonna! Yup, they accept even high school graduates, I think, as long as you fit the requirement :) Goodluck!

  30. Hi Lara. Did saudi arabia take a girl in hijab as a stewardess?

    1. Hello Nabila! Yup, I`m pretty sure they do :D

  31. hello lara sorry to ask again baka makulitan ka, kasi am already 30 and still wanted to try to apply, been working before sa other middle east airline. Hindrance ba ang age kpag 30+ na.. strict ba sila na 30 below lang talaga?

    1. Hello!! Sorry for the super late reply, but I`m not sure about it, mejo strict sila sa under 22. But I think they hire girls from 22-30 :) You can call the agency to ask, goodluck :)

  32. Hi Lara. I'm just 5'1 &1/2. Will they accept applicant with such hight? Thank you!

    1. Hello! As far as I know, they accept girls with 160cm of height, or if their arms can reach a minimum of 212cm on tiptoes :)

  33. sorry lara for asking u. is working with saudi airlines may be burden for fa crew? i mean fa crew who are from country which is far from saudi airlines home. isn't difficult for them? aren't they allowed to return back to their country and meet their parents? if it is allowed, how many days or weeks are given to them?

    1. Hi! Yes, of course, we are allowed to go to our hometown once in a while. It actually all depends on your monthly roster, if you have days off for about 5-8 days then its up to you if you will fly back home :)

    2. Hi! So you mean, may one week off every month. Ilang beses pwede umuwi ng Pinas in one year? Thank u.

  34. hi lara :) can someone which is her leg and hand are full with hairs become a flight attendant in Saudia?

    1. Hello!! Haha I dont think it matters since we can wax and all. Besides we wear longsleeves and trousers for uniform :)

  35. Hi im a muslim nurse female pede ba apply sa position yan. Looking forward for your responses thanks and more power.

    1. Hi! Yes, of course. Just go to ipams :) Thank you!

  36. Hi Ms. Lara, I'm Eunice and I am a member of Iglesia Ni Cristo.. I really want to apply as an FA to Saudia Airlines however, inaalala ko po kasi kung sakali pano ako makakaattend ng mga worship services and saan. Do you know someone po ba na FA sa Saudia na INC din? Thank you.. Hoping for your reply..

  37. Hi Ms. Lara, I'm Eunice and I am a member of Iglesia Ni Cristo.. I really want to apply as an FA to Saudia Airlines however, inaalala ko po kasi kung sakali pano ako makakaattend ng mga worship services and saan. Do you know someone po ba na FA sa Saudia na INC din? Thank you.. Hoping for your reply..

    1. Hello Eunice! I`m sorry, I don`t know anyone who is a member of INC. But for sure, and God willing, once you`re here, you will find and meet someone who knows where INC have their services.

  38. dear sister , I'm a tusian girl and i want to be a cabin crew specially with saudi arabian airlines so would you help me and tell me if there is an open day in my country ( tunisia ) in these months . thank you for help

    1. Hello Raja! Sorry, I have no idea when they will hire again in Tunis. But goodluck :)

  39. Hi Ms. Lara :) Ask ko lang kung pano ang application process if local hire? Are they really strict with weight? I can pass on height but I doubt in my weight coz its way too low. :( Nonetheless, gusto ko parin itry since andito ako sa Jeddah ngayon.

    1. Hello Cristina! For local hire, I think initial assessment lang like height weight and then they`ll schedule you for interview. Just try it, it`s easier than having a weight that`s too high hehe.

  40. Hi Ms. Lara,I've been reading about your blog as a Flight attendant
    and I was so inspired by you so I decided to give it a shot.
    I went to IPAMS last Feb 21 for screening as Cabin Crew in Saudi Airlines.Luckily I passed the weight, height etc and the agency said I am shortlisted for the final interview on March 18 to 26.They said they will send text message or Email but until not I didn't receive any.Usually how long before they contact the applicants for confirmation? Like if the final screening will be on 18th, a week or 3 days before?

    I actually came back here in Manila for this and I don't know any other applicants so Idk who I can ask about the process. I'm thinking of sending email the agency but I don't want want them to pissed off lol maybe they will think I'm impatient.

    I hope to hear from you.Thank you
    Have a good day.God bless


    1. Hello Mhaj! Congratulations :) I think you can call Ipams to ask about that or you can wait a little bit more. Maybe a week before the interview :) Good luck!

    2. Hi! I had my assessment last March 5. They told me that they will email or text me if I past the assessment and if I'm shortlisted for the final interview for Saudia. Now I'm also waiting for that golden email or text. Hehe. I hope I passed. I want to be an FA! Looking forward to fly with you soon! :)

    3. THANK you so much Ms. Lara, I did emailed Ipams and they said juat wait for the text and email.
      Hoping to get it soon lol
      I followed you in instagram btw.
      thanks much 😘 godbless

    4. Hi Ms, I hope you leave your email add so we can exchange notes lol
      Goodwill for both of us.
      See you there girl. 😀

    5. hi jam..I already message you on gmail..please see CHATS folder..thank you :)

    6. hi jam..i can't view your email address that's why i only chat you..kindly see my chat..i placed my cp# :) thanks

    7. Hello po :) nag apply din ako last feb ask ko lang po kung may na receive na kayon text or email from ipams?..

    8. Hi Jana, wala pa rin nga eh.Pls email me.Ipams said wait and wait idk until

      Email me thank you.

    9. hi hows ur applicatin ms. jam and mhaj. i just applied this month and i just wanted to know how the process works :) can u pls email me thru thanks :) -prei-

  41. Hello Ms. Lara.
    Thank you for your prompt response.
    I just have additional inquiry. Where is the specific place of HR here in Jeddah? Is it the one from Khalideyah? Is there a specific person I would look for?

    1. Hi Cristina! I applied at the flight operations before, but they moved their office beside the training academy in Saudia City. I'm not entirely sure but there's someone in the reception you can ask :)

    2. Hello Ms Lara, ano po ba ibig sabihin pag local hire? Can we apply directly in Jeddah? Salamat po and safe skies always! :)

    3. Hello, Berlie! Yes po actually :) But they will send you back to Manila for processing of papers :) Thank you also, and good luck! :)

  42. How long does it take so I could come back in the Phil? After 2 mos? Can I take my off days to come back in the Phil? Thanks!

    1. Hi! You can go home right after training, depends on your days off :)

  43. Hello po ms Lara... Ask ko lang po kung strict cla when it comes to candidates with scoliosis at ano po yung acceptable na degrees ?? Thank you :)

    1. Hello Jana! I`m not super sure about this but I heard like 12-15 yata? Sorry I`m not familiar with this one. Good luck, you`re welcome :)

  44. hello a nurse hir in ksa en im interested to apply as der any extension of ur agency hir in jedda?thanx po.ur reply is highly appreciated☺

  45. Hi Lara! mentioned their that you were a local hire in jeddah? Can you give me some tips when applying for a local hire? Since I am thinking of applying in Jeddah directly. What is the difference in applying in ipams and in jeddah? thank you so much..

  46. Hi lara.. your blog is very informative. Can i ask if how was the interview like? Is it one on one ? Can you share some of the common questions they might ask? Thanks.☺

    1. Hi! So sorry for the late reply, thank you for reading :) As for the interview, it`s a panel interview. I actually wrote about my interview at :)

  47. Hello po ate lara .. I've been reading your blogs . Your such an inspiration to us . And be more confident to ourselves. More power to you . :)

    Can i ask you a question . I've been searching IPAMS application form . ,but i only see an online application form po . ayun na po ba yun ? pde po makahingi ng link po pra ma DL ung file. IPAMS need a print out kapag daw po mag walk in . I'm only 20 years old and fresh graduate. pde na po kaya ung age ko pag nag aapply ?
    I hope you response . Thankyou and more power ..

    -- Almira

    1. Hello! Sorry for the late reply :) Thank you so much for reading!!! <3 Yup, yun na siya. Or you can just go directly to their office and apply :) I think they`re kinda strict with age, since they are hiring girls from 22+, so just try :)

  48. hi, I just want to ask if they are strict when it comes to scars specifically on face? thank you :)

    1. Hello! As long as nacconceal naman, I don`t think they mind :)

  49. hi lara. il be applying on june 20 thru ipams. im kind of scares. i have scoliosis 17 degree angle? do u think they will accept that? its just mild though :) thanks -msp

    1. Hi! I`m pretty sure there`s a certain degree of scolio that they accept, I`m not sure at what degree particularly though, sorry. Goodluck! :)

  50. Hi lara, i am currently browsing thru the net to see if when will be the next open days or recruitment for saudia. Ask ko lang,if next year they will still do some recruitment sa pinas?actually, I'm pregnant at the moment and due on january next year, but being an FA is my dream. Are they strict when it comes to this type of situation? Hope i'll hear from you soon. Starting to read your blogs na din. Thank you!

    1. Hi! Sorry I have no idea, but I think they just did a final interview last Aug3rd or 4th. For next year, I`m not quite sure, but I think so :) They`re not strict when it comes to girls with kids/are married naman so I think you`ll be fine :) Thank you for reading my blog! :)

    2. hi lara just asking if they have hiring nxt year i want to try bt still here in saudi arabia unfortunately this is my big dreams since when i was kids t0 be a flight attendant hope p0 may hiring pa sa 2016 ask q lng din kung pwd mag apply throuhg 0nline thks p0...

    3. Hi! I`m not sure po if they`re going to hire in Manila next year but there`s a big possibility :) I`ll try to make a page on Facebook of my blog, and so I could post/share when there`s hiring na din :) Yes, pwede mag apply online, you can just go to ipams` website and send your application :) Goodluck!

  51. Hello Ms. Lara! In case I would apply as a Flight Attendant, do you have an idea if Saudia would allow my two-inch feather tattoo at my rib cage? Thank you in advance, Ms. Lara.

    1. Hello! :) It`s okay as long as it`s not visible while wearing the uniform. You have to declare it though at or after the medicals :)

  52. Thank you so much for the quick response, Ma'am. :)

    1. Hello po miss lara.. I just want to ask about the screening and interview of fa in Sv. Are they allowed po ba wearing tarha\hijad during the screening and interview.. Thank you in advance :)

    2. Hi! Sorry I`m not super sure, but I think? Kasi there are girls who wear hijab on uniform :)

  53. Hi Lara,

    Would you know how much un payment once you get the cabin crew position for the processing of the papers and visa? Thanks!

    1. Hi! What do you mean by payment? Actually there`s no processing fee, you just have to pay for the medicals and then you can refund it right after you passed :)

    2. Payment for the processing of the visa, etc. I have a friend who went through an agency for Oman Air and was asked to pay 55k for the visa. Will ipams charge a certain fee too? Plus the medicals were shouldered by the applicant as well.

    3. As for ipams, they didnt let us pay anything for the processing :) Only the medicals, but once we passed the medicals, we get to refund the payment :)

  54. Hi sis, you know what agency for Oman Air is hiring? Thank you!

  55. Hi sis, you know what agency for Oman Air is hiring? Thank you!

  56. Hi sis, you know what agency for Oman Air is hiring? Thank you!

    1. Hi, my friend didn't say what agency it is but it's here in Manila. You can send your resume, passport photo (head and shoulders) and full body photos (all in sky blue background) to :)

  57. Yay! 😃 Thanks so much sis! Big help.😉 ☺😊

  58. Hello ma'am im a muslim wearing hijab. Can i wear long skirt instead of what they require a knee level skirt during screening?

    1. Hi! I`m sorry I`m not sure if you can do that, but maybe you can try to wear a little below the knee skirt :)

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Hi Ms. Lara,

    I just wanna know, I applied June 20 at Ipams then was called for final interview last August. Unfortunately, didnt pass the final interview, i don’t know if its because my requirements was incomplete. I wasnt able to bring my diploma last time. So there, now Im planning to apply again this November. Do you know if theyre strict with the 6 months reapplying period or not? Do they usually check it? Thanks!

    1. Hi Erika! Sorry I`m not so sure about that, but you can try :)

  61. Hi Lara! I'm going on November 4 for my initial screening. Any tips? And what to expect that day? And who will screen me, the IPAMS agent or the Saudia representative?

    1. Hi! I`m sorry for the late reply, but for the initial screening, I think the IPAMS people are responsible for that. Hope your application went well! :)

  62. Hi Lara! Being FA is my secret dream, but I am already married and having two kids. I am 25 years old, can I still be qualified?

    1. Hi April! Of course :) Saudia accepts married women and/or with kids :) Goodluck! :)

  63. Hi Lara, how is the process for the medical? I have goiter. It's already stable and at its normal activity but still taking my maintenance. Also, it's barely noticeable. No need for surgery since my doctor said that it is getting smaller and back to its original size through medication.

    1. Hi! For the medical usually its just the basics, xray, blood tests, eye exam,etc. if it doesnt show in the results, its probably fine. Goodluck! :)

    2. Thanks Lara! I'm going to IPAMS tom morning for a 2nd interview. Would you know how the process works after that? Kasi Nov20-26 would be the final interview sched once we pass the 2nd interview. Any tips? :)

    3. You`re welcome! :) I`m not really sure about that cos during our time, we only had initial and final interview. But as what a friend told me about her 2nd interview, it`s supposed to be like a preparation for the final interview. Goodluck! :)

    4. Thanks Lara! :) Keeping my fingers crossed and praying to get in!

    5. Hi Lara! 2nd interview done! :) I think it went well. They didn't interview us, it was more of grooming. They checked our make up, hair, attire, and how we walked. Also comm skills. They just gave a comment about my make up, on what I need to change/improve. Then they said they will notify us by email, call and txt if we pass. keeping my fingers crossed for a final interview! :)

    6. Hi! So it was like a prep for final interview? Aah, then you still have to pass that, dami na pala process ngayon. Goodluck and God bless! :)

    7. Yup, is that how the final interview will go? They will just check your grooming and comm skills?

    8. Nooo, I think it`s still the same as before, na panel interview siya with the people from Saudia na mismo :)

    9. oh... hehe. thanks sa heads up! :) I'm really praying that I get in! :)

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Hi sis! Just wanna ask if you receive already any feedback from ipams for the final interview? Hope to hear from you. Thanks!

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. Hi, none yet eh... getting more nervous than ever... sana we both get a call back for the final interview! :) let's keep praying!!!! staying positive.. hehehe

    14. Oo nga sana! Pero mlapit na ang interview. Tumawag aq sa ipams sabi they are still working on it.. Sa 22-26 dw ang final interview.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Hi Ms. Lara! Thanks for sharing with your experience as FA..very inspiring and informative 😊 I had my screening last nov 7 but til now i didnt get any response from the agency for the final interview😌

    1. Hi! Thank you for reading this blog :) Don`t lose hope, Goodluck! :)

  65. Hello Ms Lara! i have a question po sana regarding my hair cause its short and im not sure if i should put wax and spray it or clip it on the side instead. Thank you for your tips! 😊

    1. Hi Ms Chelle! Sorry for the late reply :) I think you can just leave it as it is? Is it super short? Or clip it. Or something that would make them see your face, like without the bangs and all, if you have bangs hehe.

  66. hi ms lara. question lang po. what made you decide to join saudia rather than emirates, qatar, pal or any other airline? :) thankyou

    1. Hi! I joined Saudia cos I`ve lived in Saudi before and my parents are still here, sooo yeah :)

  67. Hi Lara !
    I really want to be an air hostess in Saudi airline but my height is 5'1 only :((((
    I have just completed my medical degree with high grade. I am very much sad n worried about my height. Its my dream to become cabin crew rather than a doctor. What should I do? they will hire me or not with this height?? Please reply soon.

    1. Hi! Sorry for the late reply :)I think they have a reach test, just try to apply and you`ll see :) Goodluck! :)

  68. Hi Ms Lara, Does SV they hire aspirants with braces? Because Ive been seeing a lot of SV FA's having their braces on. Is it allowed now? Cus Im feeling hopeful. :) Thank you and hoping to hear from you soon!

    1. Hi Berlie,I think they allow naman girls with braces, but I think they`ll let you remove it for the final interview :)

  69. Hi miss lara.. Can i ask if when is the next hiring for sv FA. Thank you and god bless!

    1. Hi! Sorry, I don`t have any idea about that but probably next year :)

    2. Hi Ms. Lara, I have a scar on my upper right leg, about 2-3 inches above the knee. Will that be a hindrance for me to pass? I'll wait for your response. Thanks and God bless!

    3. Hi! I`m so sorry for the late reply. I think it`s okay as long as its not visible through the skirt you`re going to use during the screening. It shouldnt be a big problem since we actually wear trousers for uniform :)

  70. Hello just wanted to ask can we wear skin toned stockings during the screening?
    Do they require thin one? Or it doesnt matter which stockings youll use?

    1. Hi! I think it`s best if you wear skin toned :)

  71. Hi Lara,

    do you know if they accept applicants with moles? I have two moles in my face. just wondering :)


  72. Hi miss Lara,how to apply hir in saudi,?

    1. Hi Bernadette! Usually they pass their CVs at the main office in Jeddah :)

  73. Hi Ms Lara, natanong ko po dati if Saudia allows FA's having braces and you answered yes. How about applying to IPAMS, are they strict to applicants na naka braces? Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you! ;)

    1. Hello Berlie! They are kinda strict about that, parang they would accept lang if malapit na maremove yung braces, that`s what I heard. :)

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. hello po miss Lara . ask ko lang po if they accept an applicant (walk-in applicant) wearing hijab sa IPAMS po ? may chance po ba if 30 + na? hope for your Response.

  76. babae po ako miss Lara ..sorry po sa name

    1. Hi! Sorry for the late response, I'm quite sure they accept girls from 22-30.

  77. Hi Miss Lara! I received an SMS from IPAMS that I will be scheduled for re-weighing on February 17. They asked me to be in corporate attire and full makeup, too. A lot of FA applicants I know in a viber group received it as well. But I know I am not underweight as per their length weight chart. Do you have any idea about this procedure? thanks for your response! :)

    1. Hello, Johanna! I`m sorry but this is the first time I heard about the re-weighing, so I don`t have an idea about that, and I`m sorry I can`t answer that. Maybe it`s a second screening as well? Good luck though! :)

    2. Thank you for your response, Lara! I will buy your idea. and that could be positive. Thank you so much! :)

  78. Hi johanna, may i know if ipams/saudia is very strict when it comes to pimple scars? Thank you

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. As far as I can remember, the recruiter also told me to wait for an email if I passed the interview. I'm just quite nervous of what's it gonna be. 😔

  81. Hi ladies. Kindly check IPAMs website. There will be an open day on 27 of February, I think this is for SV. See you there.:)))

  82. Hi Miss Lara. Tanong ko lang po. if ever po ba makapasa ako sa interviews and mag aasikaso na ng requirements. required po ba talaga kumuha ng certificate of employment from previous employer o pwede na din po ba ung clearance? proof po na cleared na ko sa previous job ko? Thank you

  83. Hi miss apply poh ako sa ipams application today, kailan ko poh malalaman na pwedi na akong pumunta sa ofis nila pra sa initial screening? Taga mindanao poh kasi ako..hoping for your reply..thnx.

    1. Hi! I think they will call you or send an email :)

  84. Hi miss lara. Planning po ako na mag apply sa saudia. Tanong ko lang po kung required ung Filipino passport? Born and raised naman po ako sa pinas pero korean passport ung gamit ko.

    1. Hi! Sorry I`m not super sure about that but you can try :)

  85. Hi! I haven't received any text or call as yet but IPAMS already interviewed me and the interviewer told me to wait then. I'm actually 3 kilos over and I'm having a hard time to loose weight. Anyways, I'm already 42 years old but I have a very extensive experience in the cruise industry (9 years) and I don't look like one. I hope I could make it though.
